
I think I found the mountain that could contradict the 'Ain't no mountain high enough' song…and it was Mount Warning on Sunday. Yeah…all right. Perhaps that's a little bit dramatic, I guess there's Everest, Kilimanjaro etcetera. But for all intents and purposes, let's just say Mount Warning was a slight challenge. For me. It was enough. Every six to 12 months or so my older brother Nicholas decides that us kids should take mum on a hike, usually it's for an event like her birthday or Christmas or something. I know. What.a.wonderful.present. So, we set off on our trek…in Butterworth time which is always a good hour behind schedule. We got to the base of the mountain and started the trail. My younger brother, Benny ambitiously started running up the mountain, despite a massive day of drinking at Brisbane's Oktoberfest the day prior. Nick stuck with mum and I seemed to have set an okay pace so I was somewhere in the middle of the pack. I w...