When it comes to air travel, the most important things to remember are earplugs, deodorant and patience, no need to worry about turbulence, it makes you feel alive! Let's get geographical!!! I write this blog with a heavy heart...not from sadness, but purely from eating so much delicious food in my travels, that I'm quite sure my arteries are heavy from lard. It was on a walking tour of Prague where I discovered the love of my life. No, it wasn't a European suave chap...it was some deliciously amazing doughnuts...but not just any doughnuts. The dough had been wrapped across a steel pipe-like device and baked so it was soft and squishy in the middle. The crispy outside was smothered in cinnamon and sugar, inside, Nutella was smeared liberally. I'm not sure the exact name for this amazing treat that I'm tempted to try and replicate upon my return home to Aus to consume it daily, but if I had to hazard a guess, it would be called "heaven". I promise...
Showing posts from February 3, 2013