
So...when I didn't post my blog on Wednesday, did you think I'd fallen off the rails of my new year's resolutions (or revolutions for that matter - an error in my first blog I've since corrected...thank you Oli...you have eyes like an eagle). But seriously, I posted my blog two Wednesdays in a row... that's not a pattern, that's an anomaly. Yeah all right, I did mean for it to be posted each Wednesday but I got caught up in my other thousands of resolutions - and overachieving in one in particular. Dance. Number 10 of my resolutions was to participate in at least two dance classes per week. This week, I did five. And my ass muscles are cursing me for it. With my aching bum and upper thighs, stairs have become my enemy - and that's because I also did a 5km run last Saturday and am bracing for my next tomorrow morning. The reason I'm doing so much dance is that I've been chosen to be a dancer in a show at the end of May. Rehearsals start Feb 2...