
Showing posts from October 5, 2014

The quest for perfection - take two.

Further to my post the other day. Here's part two. …A number of takes later. (If you need context, read the previous post ). If you have issues accessing the below - another version is available here, however, the syncing is a bit out! :-)  (Such quality here at Let's Get headquarters). Until next week….

The quest for perfection

In my quest for perfection on the public holiday Monday - I perfectly wasted a full day. It all began when I decided I would kill two birds with one stone (damn…why are all my blogs animal related?!) and knock off two resolutions - improving my guitar playing skills while posting another blog. I thought if a picture painted a thousand words, a video would surely paint a million! JOB DONE. So in preparation I attempted to learn one of my current favourite songs. "Not the only one" by Sam Smith  (check out Sam's version here ). I agree. It is reasonably whiny, relatively heart breaking, and all in all a hardly uplifting song that one should play to improve their confidence in guitar playing or otherwise. The result? If my iPhone or iPad gets hacked, there will be no nudie photos - just a gazillion versions of the one song with a guitar played sounding as if I'm wearing boxing gloves (on second thoughts, maybe nudie photos would be less offensive?). The num...