
Showing posts from January 13, 2013

LET'S get classical

When it comes to riding a unicycle the most important thing is.... Is there such a thing as digressing from the point when the point has not yet been made? Yes. LET'S get classical! Where was I? Oh...they were COUSINS! Sorry, "spoiler alert!" Oops, I think I'm meant to say "spoiler alert" before I actually spoil it for everyone. I always get things the wrong way around like... is it Juice Boost or Boost Juice? Anyway..can you still spoil something when it premiered more than 100 years ago and possibly half of the world's population who hold English as their first language have read the play? The answer is no because even when you know how a story sort of make yourself forget because you want to be excited. It's just like telling someone the Titanic sinks before they watch the movie. Everyone knows the Titanic's fate, however, even watching it for the tenth time your adrenaline from anticipation still kicks in at the end...