Hungary to Croatia!

It was a slight mission finding the train station in Budapest to head for Croatia. Sometimes....ok often, Jess and I are lazy tourists and this time was no exception. We opted for a cab to get us to our 6am train instead of tackling the public transport system. We felt a bit bad because the cab driver was trying to exchange pleasantries with us...and we had no idea what he was saying. It took me back to when I was in Poland a few years' back and my sister, her husband and I were trying to get to Krakow's main train station. Sean took to executing his best train impression with a few 'toot toots' and arm gestures. It must have been uncanny as we got to the train station fine. Arriving to Budapest's international train station, we found a 'hole in the wall' type bakery and I ordered some little puff pastry thing with jam at its centre. It was bound to keep us sustained for a good 3.5 minutes. We were headed for Croatia's capital, Zagreb, so would ...