Budapest, Hungary. Finding a Disney Castle, that isn't.

"Hungary is soooo warm! How delightful!" Jess and I exclaimed after we landed in Budapest, and a speedy taxi dropped us off in the city. The warmth equalled bliss. I had been cold for the duration of the France trip, with Jess and I both throwing on a million thermals, plus beanies and gloves for England and Scotland. We were ready for some sun. This feeling of bliss, however, turned to frustration quite quickly, caused by the lack of branding on our hostel. This led to walking around in circles, using our worst Hungarian to ask for directions to no avail. That was before realising where our taxi driver had dropped us off in the first place, was indeed correct. Oops! Just a bit of an adventure to start our short stay in this magnificent city, although, on a negative, the constant carting around of my suitcase and backpack (with contents including a heavy laptop, iPad, etc.) seemed to have given me chest pains whenever I walk. I should really get that checked out. Our...