
Showing posts from May 18, 2014


YEAH all right, all right....I'm terrible at keeping to my promise when I say: "I'm back blogging...and this time I mean it!" I'm never promising again! What I can promise is that I'll do my best to supply at least one semi-decent blog 52 times this year. Holy moly I'm behind. But don't you worry your pretty little heads (actually, I can't speak for everyone, chances are, you don't all have a pretty head) I'll come through in epic style by the end of the epic as when Stephen Bradbury came through for Australia at the 2002 winter olympics. That analogy will never get old. My excuse is, and it's a terrible excuse, I've been a little bit busy - dashing between work, home, dance classes, and musical practice. I whinge and moan about being a bit sleepy as I trudge into work right before / on start time. I've been awake since 7am and my colleagues with children have been awake since 5am and only went to bed at 3am. I h...