
Showing posts from January 6, 2013

Let's get...theoretical!

WHEN it comes to love....ha... as if that's going to be the theme of my blog! ...rewind (*insert old fashioned tape noise here) LET'S GET...physical, classical, theatrical....geographical! "Here's to the freakin weekend!" as Rihanna would say and yes it may be Friday, but it's not time to throw your pen down just yet. You've still got about seven hours left! (if you're working until 5pm... not working today?...then why are you up! ) If you are really struggling to resist checking Facebook right about now, then exchange the habit with another. Read my blog. In fact, do it every Friday at 10am. I'm getting physical, classical and theatrical and upon reading this for a few weeks, you may too. My blog is going to explore all the fascinating experiences that come in life before you burn out and at the ripe age of 110 (I have good genes) you kick the bucket. I'm only going to concentrate on the stuff that's whimsical and mystical, not...


Testing to see if this works!

ready to blog!

I'm almost ready to blog...just finalising my page and making sure it's all good to go!