
Showing posts from January 26, 2014


IF you have been reading this blog religiously...well may God have mercy on your sole (....not a's just that good shoes are really important).  If you have been following ( thank you ) you would have noticed by now this blog is very much about resolutions.  So, if I get to my 52nd post on December 31 and am forced to write, "...well, that year happened and the only resolution I achieved was writing this blog each week..." I'll be slightly proud of myself for achieving at least one resolution. I will of course also question what happened to the other goals which fell by the wayside...along with my dreams, childhood toy - a turtle, with the unfortunate name, Turdy....(it might have been my slight dyslexic tendencies showing through...I actually meant for it to be called "Trudy").  One of the resolutions I'm struggling with is number nine: " Read one novel / play each fortnight".  I totally set myself up for f