Let's get...theoretical!

WHEN it comes to love....ha... as if that's going to be the theme of my blog!

...rewind (*insert old fashioned tape noise here)

LET'S GET...physical, classical, theatrical....geographical!

"Here's to the freakin weekend!" as Rihanna would say and yes it may be Friday, but it's not time to throw your pen down just yet. You've still got about seven hours left! (if you're working until 5pm...not working today?...then why are you up!)

If you are really struggling to resist checking Facebook right about now, then exchange the habit with another. Read my blog. In fact, do it every Friday at 10am.

I'm getting physical, classical and theatrical and upon reading this for a few weeks, you may too.

My blog is going to explore all the fascinating experiences that come in life before you burn out and at the ripe age of 110 (I have good genes) you kick the bucket. I'm only going to concentrate on the stuff that's whimsical and mystical, not the dull stuff like getting biblical, mathematical, evangelical, radical, political (unless it's a really, really bad day), medical, or magical...although you do not yet know the quality of my writing.

I'm Maree, (sometimes called "Me" when I answer the phone and the person calling doesn't hear me correctly) and after 25 years of striving for over-acheivement in everything, including acting, music, touch football, squash, dancing...(I even tried to participate in a little marble trading once), I've decided to embrace that my interests are diverse and it's okay to love almost everything...except for country music (I'm not talking about Carrie Underwood or Keith Urban type music...although I do find his surname ironic to his genre...I'm talking the real grungy type that usually appeals to city-type people trying to be hillbillies).

One would think being interested in almost everything (except ten-pin bowling and playing monopoly) would be simply marvellous. Wrong. It's a burden. Often I'm about to go to sleep and I think of a really good limerick or idea for a touch football play! Ideas swirl around my head with each thought trying to be more prominent than the last before each dissapates rather rapidly. Finally, when I can relax and am about to start dreaming of endless nothingness, in my unconscious state, I write a song!

That is going to change now, however, as my weekly blog will capture my random thoughts and discoveries.

In the coming weeks, my blogs will discuss various subjects exploring my physical pursuits which may include a slather of uncoordinated moments playing TRL, trying to dance with two left feet or even dabbling in the sport of "dodge-ball"(let's get physical - physical...hum the tune), commenting upon the timeless, yet often perceived as very boring literature (let's get classical. Don't worry, I'll steer clear of Wuthering Heights), my opinion of a theatre or musical production I've seen (let's get theatrical or musical) with a little travel thrown in the mix (let's get geographical). While the subjects will be diverse, don't think the blogs will be vague and lack the continuity you'd find from a food blogger, after all, my blogs with be laden with my witty humour throughout...okay, maybe I mean my bad jokes, which are gradually emulating that of my father's. It's sad but true.

So there you have it...insight into my blog.

Next week, it's "Let's get classical!". I'm currently reading The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. I'm up to Act 2. It's not so bad... and it's got the puns and humour that make you want to put your hands on you hips and throw your head back in an old-fashioned style "ha, ha, ha" contrived laugh.

Now don't write me off just yet if you think next week's discussion will be boring! I will provide you one premature lifeline though, only if you promise to use it sparingly. Go to the hardware store on the weekend...particularly if you were going anyway for the $1 BBQ'd sausage in a blanket...pick yourself up a tin of paint and if my blog bores you next week, at least you'll be able to watch paint dry instead.

Weekly invention: Before I go, I shall leave you with my weekly invention...there will be times that I'll come up with a real clanger so remember...my ideas are copyrighted...so back off!

  • Berocca on tap...so you can ask for a pint or schooner of Berocca to revitalise you before you trek home in the evening/early morning hours. Clever.

Next Friday? 10am. Let's get Wilde...Oscar Wilde.


  1. Haha! I love it - your blog reads just like you talk!

  2. Hey Maree, when are you going to make a run to Texas?


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